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Student Learning

While teaching 1st grade at IPS #79 I incorporated Reading and Language Arts stations into our literacy block. These stations were based on the Five Components of Reading.

Here are children at the Computer Station reading stories from their Open Court series.

One of my favorite stations was the Poetry Station. Here the students would read our poem for the week and work on skills such as rhyming or isolated sounds.

At the writing station students would create short stories and illustrations. Some stories were based on their own ideas while some where based on a prompt.

At the listening station children listened to books on tape. Some weeks they would be asked to complete an activity afterwards and some weeks they just listened.

Using many different language skills children played games made from file folders. Some of the skills included /r/ controlled vowels, vowel sounds, rhyming, and compound words.

While student teaching in 4th grade I led guided reading groups. Some weeks we incorporated our Science and Studies units with our reading. Other times we read novels or short stories based on the students' interest.

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